
The Orchestra Program at Gaither High School is comprised of talented, young musicians in Concert and Symphonic Orchestras, the Chamber Ensemble and the Advanced Orchestra.

Performing Ensembles

Concert and Symphonic Orchestras

These groups are made up of students who are talented and hardworking but need more development of technical and musicianship skills. These ensembles will perform at the FOA District and State Music Performance Assessment and local school concerts. Minimal after-school time is required during concert season and placement is based on audition and/or director recommendation. Members are strongly encouraged to audition for the All-County Orchestra and to participate in the Solo and Ensemble Festival at School. Private lessons are strongly recommended. Students must have a 2.0 to participate with the Gaither High School Orchestra.

Chamber Ensemble / Advanced Orchestra / Full Orchestra

This group is made up of students who are talented and hardworking but are more advanced in the development of technical and musicianship skills. This ensemble will perform at the FOA District and State Music Performance Assessment and local school concerts. Minimal after-school time is required during concert season and placement is based on audition and/or director recommendation. Members are strongly recommended to audition for the All-County Orchestra and participate in Solo and Ensemble District MPA. Private lessons are highly recommended at least once a month. These ensembles will perform the highest quality of chamber music at FOA District and State Solo and Ensemble Assessment. They will also perform at school and community events as needed. Students must have a 2.0 to participate with the Gaither High School Orchestra.

Extra Performance Opportunities

Solo and Ensemble MPA

The Solo and Ensemble event is required for Chamber orchestra students, and highly encouraged and recommended to all students. This event takes place in the fall semester and is for any students of any level who wish to perform a solo piece or a piece with a small ensemble (minimum 2 members, maximum 8) in front of a certified judge for a rating. Students who wish to participate in this event must make a music selection by Late September and communicate with Mr. Heglund that they wish to participate. Students performing solos will be required to have an accompanist, which may be provided through the school and may invoke an additional fee. Students who participate in Solo and Ensemble may use their rating as their performance grade on their Midterm Orchestra exam based on the rating they or their group received at the event, with discretion left to Mr. Heglund.

Master Musician

This is a program through Hillsborough County to recognize the finest music students. The requirements for selection are a theory test, 12 major scales, 2 contrasting etudes, chromatic, scale, thirds, and solo. A portfolio must include all certificates, programs, and judges’ sheets along with a resume. If selected, you are automatically a All-County Orchestra member and could earn scholarship money to attend summer music camps and college. Also, your name is permanently placed in the All-County Program and on the plaque in the instrumental room. Test and portfolios are due in October and March. Please speak with Mr. Heglund directly by the end of August to participate in the program.

All State Orchestra

Auditions are held locally on Saturday, September 21st, 2024, at Rogers Middle School. Cost is
$42 per student (paperwork and money due 8/23/24). All students audition with the same
material on the same day throughout the state. Results are posted in November. If selected,
rehearsals and performances are held during the Florida Music Educators’ Convention in
Tampa in early January. Participation in this event is a great honor. Audition material is posted
in May and students interested in auditioning must practice during the summer. This can be
found on www.myfoa.org (Under All State Auditions).

All County Orchestra

Auditions are by live audition on Monday, November 18th, 2024, at Strawberry Crest High School. The orchestra rehearses in late January with a concert at the beginning of February. All students are strongly recommended to audition. Students who are selected to participate in the All-County Orchestra will be required to attend all in person rehearsals and concerts at the end of January and will receive an automatic grade of A on the playing portion of their midterm Orchestra class exam.

Student Leadership Duties

Student leaders audition and are selected in May of each school year. They must have at least a 2.5 un-weighted OVERALL G.P.A and be in good standing regarding all orchestra policies. Only members who have displayed outstanding qualities of leadership, character, and musical excellence should be considered for this honor. Applicants for leadership must submit a written application to the director and interview during spring. The audition process will consist of playing 7 Major scales and arpeggios by memory and an interview with the judging panel.

Director: Jacob Heglund