Our Mission
In the Gaither Conservatory of Music and Leadership, we value and uphold consistent expectations of excellence. We inspire the development of leadership skills in young adults while enriching their minds with music to establish a sense of individual responsibility. Our students set the example while embodying the collaborative skills and academic standards that can only be achieved through hard work and dedication.
The Conservatory includes programs for Bands, Chorus and Orchestra.
Leadership development is integrated into all elements of the Conservatory Curriculum. The Conservatory teaches that leadership is the ability of a single individual, through his or her actions, to motivate others to higher levels of achievement; that leaders are unique and special people, and that leadership is not for everyone. Leadership is a dedication to SERVICE.
Leadership is the ability to inspire, communicate, motivate, encourage, and support everyone’s quest for excellence in all aspects of life. It is the ability to do what is right and avoid the pitfalls of doing something just because it is the popular thing to do. Leadership is practiced not so much in words as it is in attitude and in actions. It is not fair to ask of others what you are unwilling to do yourself. Leadership is doing what is right when no one is watching.
Course Descriptions
Music Ensemble Course
This course includes any Large performing ensemble such as Concert Band. Symphonic Band. Wind Ensemble, Concert Orchestra. Chamber Orchestra, Women’s/Men’s Chorus, and Concert Chorus. Students will need to be involved in one of these ensembles throughout their 4 years in our program. Band members in the Leadership Conservatory will need to also be involved in the marching band for all 4 years.
Leadership Strategies Honors
This course will provide an in-depth study of the leadership strategies required for decision-making, problem-solving, communication, group conflict reduction, time and stress management, evaluation, team building, group dynamics, motivational strategy, and the role of leadership in a democratic society. The content should include, but not be limited to, the following: • Development in areas such as self-esteem. goal setting, and character building • Enhanced leadership skills and the ability to function in both a group setting and the community.
Music Theory
This course will provide a basic understanding of music theory. Students will learn concepts such as melodic and rhythmic dictation, interval identification, etc. These concepts will directly transfer to their music component.
Music Technology and Sound Engineering
Students explore the fundamental applications and tools of music technology and sound engineering. As they create and learn its terminology, students also learn the history and aesthetic development of technology used to capture, create, and distribute music. Public performances may serve as a resource for specific instructional goals. Students may be required to attend one or more perf classes outside the school day to support, extend, and assess learning in the classroom.
First-Year Experience Orientation- Dual Enrollment
The purpose of this course is to develop the knowledge and skills to enable students to design and begin to implement personal plans for achieving their desired post-school outcomes. Emphasis should be placed on exploring careers and gaining knowledge about the expectations, skills, and training required by various careers. The personal plans may address all critical tranS1tioo service areas, including instruction, related services, community experiences, employment., post-school adult 1iV1ng, and. if needed. daily living skills and functional vocational evaluation.
AP Music Theory
AP Music Theory corresponds to two semesters of a typical introductory college music theory course covering topics such as musicianship, theory, musical materials, and procedures. Students develop the ability to recognize, understand, and describe basic materials and processes of music that are heard or presented in a score. The development of aural skills is a primary objective. Students understand basic concepts and terminology by listening to and performing a wide variety of music.
Leadership Techniques Honors
The purpose of this course is to provide formative opportunities to build on skills acquired in the Leadership Strategies course, including meeting skills, communication skills, motivational strategies, character development, group dynamics, community relations, community service and personal and civic responsibility. The content should include, but not be limited to, the following:
– effective project planning, execution and management.
– techniques for the successful advocacy of proposed public policy changes.
– mastery of organizational theories and management techniques and strategies.
Music Appreciation- Dual Enrollment
Music Appreciation is an introductory course to music. Students will explore music’s various functionalities in order to gain a deeper understanding and appreciation for all types of music. The course begins by examining basic music literacy and core musical elements such as melody, rhythm, harmony, form, and texture. Throughout the course, students apply their understanding through music composition and focus on music’s various purposes and functions, tracking these categories through historical transformations and focusing on sacred music, music for stage and screen, music for public entertainment, music as identity, and music as media.
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